Coming To Terms With Certain Facts And Realities

A person who is extremely afraid of being in closed and confined spaces, termed as claustrophobia, will typically try their best to avoid being put in that certain situation.This will slowly reduce their fear until it ultimately disappears.To better understand it, here’s an example.Through graded/gradual exposure, therapists will try to coax them into facing their fear little by little, initially by putting them in a large yet closed area, and then gradually reducing the enclosed space each session.With this method, they are slowly facing their fear and coming to terms with certain facts and realities.At the very end of the treatment, most claustrophobic people would be able to withstand and curb their fears and are no longer fit to be called claustrophobic.It alters the way that individuals think and how they perceive certain things.With graded/gradual exposure, individuals are faced with their fears and shown what reality is actually like and different alternatives from their perspective.Graded/gradual exposure also changes the way a person reacts, responds and behaves in a certain situation.This is also connected to the way they think.Thoughts are at the root of their behavior.Due to the fact that it changed their thoughts, it also ultimately made an impact on their behavior.When placed in a situation that involves heights, they need to alter their negative thoughts and transform these into positive ones.Once this is done, their mind will relax along with their body and act more naturally instead of screaming in fear.People with this fear are slowly exposed to different height ranges.As they gradually go higher while they progress, they will learn that their fear will slowly disappear.Once it disappears, their mind would have already been altered with favorable as well as positive ideas and their behavior towards the situation would have also changed from screaming or panting in anxiety to calm composure.This is a prominent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy technique that is often regarded as effective and efficient for individuals.This is also known to be very helpful for those who experience or deal with different psychological problems, especially depression.People who are battling mental disorders, such as depression, often find it tough to stay active and at times, lie on their bed throughout the entire day.So, in order to avoid being passive the entire time, activity scheduling is one of the many solutions they can use in order to solve their passive state and make an effort to become much more productive for the entire day.Activity scheduling includes taking part in different activities and behaviors that they normally wouldn’t do as a result of anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems they might be currently facing.It begins with monitoring personal activities.Individuals take note of their activities throughout the entire week and see the different things they have achieved throughout the course of a week.This can show people that they can actually achieve a lot of things if they put their heart to it.Once the set of activities are listed and made, looking at it will improve the individual’s mood when they realize the different things they were actually able to accomplish.Secondly, they have to rate the intensity of the symptoms of depression they are experiencing alongside each activity.Through this, they become able to identify the different activities that can actually be more helpful for them and keep their mind off disturbing or depressive thoughts.If they look more closely at the pattern of activities that help them become happier and see the connection of each activity, they can devise an itinerary of things that can introduce wellness and possibly cure depression.This technique caters to the way an individual acts in every situation.It monitors their movement and ways of behaving in a certain scenario.Through this, their behavioral aspect can be influenced and aided significantly.Activity scheduling can be essential in pointing out the different activities that can promote wellness and happiness for an individual.In this process, they are given specific tools to find out which ones are actually helping them overcome this illness and what makes it worse.Activity scheduling is often used by different therapists to treat depression all over the world.When used effectively and accurately, it can lead to great results.It is also noted by many therapists to be extremely useful in treating depression.It is a long process that will ultimately lead to a better and fitter state of mind.This process starts with getting to know your own feelings and coming to terms with the things you are currently experiencing.Individuals have to understand how they feel, where these emotions come from and what triggers them.Afterwards, they need to take note of the things they typically do on a daily basis.When this is done, they have to find out what they want to get out of life.They should see their goals and objectives.Then, their energy has to be directed towards wellness and motivation to do the things they want and accomplish their objectives.Ultimately, it all depends on making a good and positive change, even if it is little by little just to show progress in their own activities.There are days where he feels ecstatic and joyous and some where he feels extremely depressed.Then, when he actually takes note of the different things he has done throughout the day, he notices that there are actually some activities that are considered to be emotional triggers for him.Since he is aware of the things that might potentially trigger him, he tries his best to stay away from those to keep a calm and collected vibe.He changes the way he acts towards these specific situations which changes his mood throughout the entire day.So, in this method he is able to identify the different emotional triggers he includes in his daily routine and is able to find a way to deal with those triggers.

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